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根据2001~2002年对大亚湾大鹏澳海水鱼类网箱养殖海域水环境的监测资料,分析讨论了网箱养殖对水环境的影响。结果表明,该海域水环境质量较好,除夏季溶解氧(DO)和春季的硫化物浓度超第二类海水水质标准情况较严重外(超标率均为62.5%),其他水环境因子一般不超标。养殖区DO和叶绿素a(Chla)浓度均显著低于对照区(t-test,P<0.05),而NH4-N和PO4-P浓度则一般高于对照区,其他水环境因子的空间分布差异不大。海水CODMn、BOD5和硫化物主要与网箱养鱼生产季节性强的特点有关;而水温、盐度、透明度、悬浮物、DO和pH的季节变化主要受控于大亚湾亚热带季风气候,NO2-N、NO3-N、DIN、PO4-P和SiO4-Si等营养因子的季节变化主要受降雨和浮游植物的影响,Chla的季节变化则主要受水温和N:P比的影响,与网箱养鱼的关系并不明显。 According to the monitoring data of aquatic environment in the marine culture cage of Dapeng Bay in Daya Bay from 2001 to 2002, the influence of cage aquaculture on water environment was analyzed and discussed. The results showed that the quality of the water environment in the sea area was good, except the DO and the sulphide concentrations in spring exceeded the standards of the second type of seawater (exceeding the standard rate of 62.5%). Other water environment factors were generally not Exceeded. The concentrations of DO and Chla in the culture zone were significantly lower than those in the control zone (t-test, P <0.05), but the concentrations of NH4-N and PO4-P were generally higher than those in the control zone. The spatial distribution of other water environmental factors Not big. Seawater CODMn, BOD5 and sulfide are mainly related to the seasonal characteristics of fish cage production. The seasonal changes of water temperature, salinity, transparency, suspended matter, DO and pH are mainly controlled by Daya Bay subtropical monsoon climate, NO2-N, The seasonal changes of trophic factors such as NO3-N, DIN, PO4-P and SiO4-Si are mainly affected by rainfall and phytoplankton. The seasonal variation of Chla is mainly affected by water temperature and N: P ratio, The relationship is not obvious.
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对漠斑牙鲆(Paralichthys lethostigma)胚胎及胚后发育进行观察,描述各发育时期的发育时序和形态特征。在水温18.5&#177;0.5℃,盐度32~33的条件下,受精卵历时49h脱膜而出,孵化后
通过卫星搭载,利用空间环境诱变钝顶螺旋藻(Spirulina platensis)。从诱变材料中通过单株培养和继代培养选育出适合大规模生产的优质高产新品系PNK-2。与出发品系ST-6相比,PNK-2