
来源 :党校科研信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Tzl19801110tzl
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党校不同于一般的国民教育学校。为了适应新形势下党校工作的需要,党校教师必须具备以下一些特殊素质。 (一)坚实的马克思主义理论基础。党校教师应该是很好地掌握并且忠实于马克思主义的人。他们精通或熟悉较多的马列著作和毛泽东著作;系统地而不是零碎地,完整地而不是片面地掌握马列主义、毛泽东思想的基本原理;善于区分马列主义、毛泽东思想中个 Party schools are different from general national education schools. In order to meet the needs of the work of the party school under the new situation, the party school teachers must have some of the following special qualities. (A) A solid theoretical foundation of Marxism. Party school teachers should be well mastered and faithful to Marxist people. They are proficient in or familiar with more Marxist-Leninist writings and Mao Zedong’s writings; they systematically and systematically grasp the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse-tung’s thought systematically rather than piecemeal; they are good at distinguishing Marxism-Leninism from Mao Zedong Thought
Electrospun nanofibrous mats represent a new generation of medical textiles with promising applications in heart valve tissue reconstruction. It is important fo
冰川消融 ,海水上涨 ,飓风肆虐 ,气温骤降 ,庞大的冷气团横扫英格兰和纽约 ,北半球瞬间被冰雪覆盖 ,冰河期提前到来。人类文明面临灭顶之灾 ,其罪魁祸首乃是人类活动造成的温
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