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在陡脉冲发生器电路中,杂散参数不仅影响输出波形,还影响着系统的稳定和电路元器件的安全.为了提高输出波形的质量,抑制输出脉冲的振荡,保证元器件长期可靠的运行,需要对电路中杂散参数进行有效的分析和补偿.本文通过对脉冲的实际输出波形进行分析,建立了陡脉冲发生器电路的杂散参数模型,总结出一种分析和补偿陡脉冲发生器电路中杂散参数的方法.模型的仿真结果精确地反映了实际波形,加入补偿环节后的电路实现了输出波形的无过冲. In the steep pulse generator circuit, the stray parameter not only affects the output waveform, but also affects the stability of the system and the safety of the circuit components.In order to improve the quality of the output waveform, suppress the output pulse oscillation and ensure the long-term reliable operation of the components, It is necessary to analyze and compensate the stray parameters in the circuit effectively.Through the analysis of the actual output waveform of the pulse, the stray parameter model of the steep pulse generator circuit is established, and an analysis and compensation of the steep pulse generator circuit In the method of spurious parameters.The simulation results of the model accurately reflect the actual waveform, adding the compensation circuit after the circuit to achieve the output waveform without overshoot.
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