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本文对30例吸食海洛因患者在1~3天内的戒断期,检测了血浆中心钠素(ANF)、肾素(PRA)、血管紧张素Ⅱ(AT-Ⅱ)和醛固酮(ALD)的浓度变化,现报告如下。 对象和方法 一、对象:正常组30人(男20人,女10人),年龄1.8~45岁,平均27岁。系我院门诊体检病人无任何疾病者;吸食海洛因患者30例(男18人,女12人),年龄18~37岁,平均25岁,系我所戒毒患者。 二、方法:正常组和患者采血前都进普食,采血时均为平卧,早晨空腹采取肘静脉血6ml,注入含10%EDTA-Na_2抑肽酶抗凝管中2ml测定ANF_2注入由EDTA-Na_2,8羟基喹啉,二巯基丙醇配合而成的抑肽酶抗凝管中2ml测定PRA和AT-Ⅱ。立即低温3000r/min离心15分钟,分离血浆置-3℃保存,Ald用肝素抗凝管注入2ml血。严格按说明书操作,放免试剂盒由北方免疫试剂研究所提供。试验由专人和同一仪器操作。 结果 结果见表1。 讨论 本文报道吸食海洛因患者ANF是高于正常组,我们认为这与在急性戒断期(戒断1~3天)采血有一定关系,这期间患者一般心率快,血压高,血容量减少;可能与血浆心纳素浓度增加有一定关系。 In this paper, 30 cases of heroin addicts were withdrawn within 1 ~ 3 days. The concentrations of plasma ANF, PRA, AT-Ⅱ and aldosterone (ALD) The report is as follows. Subjects and methods First, the object: normal group of 30 (20 males and 10 females), aged 1.8 to 45 years, mean 27 years. Department of our hospital outpatient checkup patients without any disease; 30 cases of patients taking heroin (18 males and 12 females), aged 18 to 37 years old, an average of 25 years old, the Department of I detoxification patients. Second, the method: normal group and patients before the blood into the general diet, when blood are supine, morning fasting to take elbow venous blood 6ml, injection of 10% EDTA-Na 2 aprotinin anticoagulant tube 2ml assay ANF_2 injection of EDTA -Na_2,8 quinolinol, two mercapto-propanol with aprotinin anticoagulant tube 2ml determination of PRA and AT-Ⅱ. Immediately low temperature 3000r / min centrifugation for 15 minutes, the plasma was stored at -3 ℃ preservation, Ald with heparin anticoagulant tube into 2ml blood. In strict accordance with instructions, RIA kit provided by the northern Institute of Immunological reagents. Test by hand and the same instrument operation. The results in Table 1. Discussion This article reports that ANF in patients taking heroin was higher than in the normal group and we think this is related to blood sampling in the acute withdrawal phase (1 to 3 days of withdrawal), during which time the patient generally had a fast heart rate, high blood pressure and decreased blood volume; And plasma concentrations of a certain relationship.
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