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如果说20世纪的意甲是繁花似锦的夏季,那么21世纪的意甲更像是落叶纷飞的秋天。在意甲强弩之末的那几年,依然为世界足坛贡献了不少现象级的球员,其中包括舍瓦、卡卡、伊布这样的巨星,也有阿奎拉尼、托尼、切尔奇、扎卡尔多这些当年转会市场上的“抢手货”。随着意甲整体的没落,他们在职业生涯的巅峰时期都毅然选择了离开,改投英超、西甲闯荡新天地。不过水土不服和碌碌无为的他们,最终选择带着一丝伤感和失落重新回到了梦开始的亚平宁。然而在这片最熟悉的故土上,他们也没能再找回曾经耀眼的光芒,而是像黄昏的落日一般无限沉沦直至黑暗。 If the 20th century Serie A is a blossoming summer, then the 21st century serie a more like a declining autumn. In Serie A spent the last few years, still contributing to the world football a lot of phenomenal players, including Sheva, Kaka, Ibrahimovic superstar, but also Aquilani, Tony, Chelsea, Zaccard Many of these year transfer market “hot goods ”. With the decline of the overall Serie A, they have chosen to leave at the peak of his career, change to the Premier League, La Liga battles Xintiandi. However acclimatized and mediocre them, the final choice with a trace of sadness and loss back to the beginning of the Apennine dream. However, in this most familiar homeland, they were unable to find the glittering light they had once seen. Instead, they were sunk into the darkness like the setting sun at dusk.
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