陇南发挥优势 推进退耕还林后续产业发展

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实施退耕还林工程的地区主要集中在我国西部及“三北”等贫困地区,因此遵循自然规律,坚持因地制宜,科学选择和合理确定造林树种,对于妥善处理好退耕还林与发展经济的关系显得十分重要。大量生产实践证明,有计划、有步骤地利用退耕地栽桑,不但能治理水土流失,固沙治沙,而且可兼顾农民眼前利益、发展当地经济,实现国家长远发展目标,确保国家退耕还林战略的顺利实施和治理成果的长期巩固。甘肃省陇南市蚕桑生产历史悠久,改革开放后特别是近年来,在市委、市政府的重视下,在市县业务部门的全力配合和共同努力下,全市蚕桑产业有了较大发展。截至去年 Therefore, following the laws of nature, we must adhere to local conditions, scientifically select and rationally determine afforestation tree species, and properly handle afforestation and economic development properly The relationship is very important. The mass production practice has proved that using planted and mulched planted lands in planned and step-by-step ways can not only control soil and water loss, stabilize sand and control desertification, but also give consideration to the immediate interests of peasants, develop the local economy, realize the long-term national development goals and ensure the national strategy of returning farmland to forests The smooth implementation of governance and the long-term consolidation of governance outcomes. The sericulture production in Longnan City of Gansu Province has a long history. After the reform and opening up, especially in recent years, with the full cooperation and joint efforts of the municipal and county departments under the great attention of the municipal party committee and municipal government, the sericulture industry in the city has made great development. As of last year
2012年12月18日,标致雪铁龙集团宣布,法国政府经济顾问路易·伽罗华(Louis Gallois)将进入公司监事会,他将在下一届监事会会议上作为首席独立董事出席。路易·伽罗华此前曾担
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作者对少年期与成年期精神分裂症患者各100例的幻觉和妄想内容,进行了比较分析.结果发现2组病人在幻视、嫉妒妄想、关系妄想及非血统妄想等症状的出现率存在差异。 The author
首次合成了 5种过渡元素的 1∶9双系列锗钨杂多配合物 ,Na11H7[Cu(GeW9O34 ) 2 ]·nH2 O和K12 H6[M(GeW9O34 ) 2 ]·nH2 O(M =Ni,Zn ,Mn ,Fe) ,用元素分析 ,IR、UV光谱 ,TG -