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一一大早,马三坐在用彩钢搭成的简易房门口抽烟。眼前是一片礁石突兀的沙滩,海水正从礁石间的缝隙涌上来,涨潮了。他揉了揉惺忪的眼睛,睡意似乎还没有消散。他使劲抻了个懒腰,竟放出一声响屁。昨晚的海带炖豆腐吃多了,这屁有一股子豆腥味。老黄狗被这一声巨响和异味惊醒,它眯起眼睛看一眼马三,接着又闭上了。意思是说,我并没真睡,警惕性高着呢。马三进屋扯了块手纸,冲老黄狗喊一声:“撇条去喽。”接着就躲在海边礁石后面。马三老家在河南农村,当地管上厕所大便叫撇条。老黄狗能听懂啥意思,马三刚脱下裤子蹲下,它就冲着马三屁股翘起一条 Early one morning, Masan sat in a simple room built of Caigang smoking. In front of a rocky beach reef, sea water is coming up from the gap between the rocks, the tide. He rubbed his sleepy eyes, drowsiness seems to have not dissipated. He staggered a lazy, actually let out a loud noise. Last night’s kelp stew tofu eat more, this fart has a sub-beany flavor. Old yellow dog was awakened by the loud noise and odor, it narrowed his eyes to see Masan, and then closed again. The meaning is that I did not really sleep, vigilance high yet. Ma San pulled into the block paper towels, red yellow dog shouted: “skimmer to myself. ” Then hid behind the rocks at the beach. Ma San home in rural Henan, the local tube toilet stool called skimmer. Old yellow dog can understand what meaning, Ma Sandang took off his pants squat, it was directed at the horse three ass tilt
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