Geomorphologic Study of Anhui Section of Changjiang River Using Landsat TM Image

来源 :中国地理科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:csmeteor135
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Fluvial landforms in the Anhui section of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River are often considered as the main factors for frequent floods. It is these special landforms that influence the channel changes of the Changjiang River.Using Landsat TM image of 2000, this paper conducted a series of image processing, including principal component analysis, multi-spectral composition, gray value statstics, and spectral analysis of ground objects. Then it got a new interpretation map of different kinds of fluvial landforms of the Changjiang River in the Anhui section. Based on the interpretation mentioned above, the paper analyzes the distribution and characteristics of such typical landforms as terraces, floodplains and battures, and their functions on the changes of river channel. The results show a consistence with the earlier conclusion that the Anhui section of the Changjiang River tends to deflect gradually toward south,which provides more implications for further study on the geomorphologic evolution of the river channel.
当前用来计算分形维数的原始数据通常是栅格图像,但是现有的土地利用数据大多以矢量形式存放,若将其转为栅格形式后计算分维数,则将面临基于栅格图像所得到的分形维数的计算精度与像元尺寸以及图像自身大小有较大关系,并且在对栅格图像进行不规则形状提取时容易造成数据丢失等问题。鉴于此,本文利用Visual C#完成了基于Windows平台的矢量数据分形维数计算程序设计,并利用该程序对20世纪90年代三个时期的秦
目的 了解地震灾区居民灾后医疗需要及困难人群变化情况,为灾后医疗救助工作提供政策建议.方法 采用现场入户问卷调查、文献研究等方法,对灾区10个县(市、区)4 380户居民的收
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