统一思想 坚定信心 把党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争推向新阶段——刘崇明同志在人民银行天津分行纪检监察工作会议上的讲话(摘要)(二○○○年三月一日)

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1999年,是人民银行天津分行按照新的管理体制运行的第一年。全辖各级人民银行纪检监察部门在上级纪委和同级党委的领导下,坚持从严治党的方针和标本兼治的原则,狠抓党风廉政建设和反腐败各项任务的落实,取得了明显成效。主要标志:一是各级行党委对反腐倡廉工作认识明确,坚决贯彻执行中央决策,始终把反腐败和党风廉政建设作为头等大事来抓。进一步健全了反腐败工作机制和领导责任制;有力地促进了党风廉政建设和反腐败工作;二是廉洁自律各项规定和要求得到了较好的贯彻执行,领导干部的廉洁 In 1999, it was the first year that PBOC Tianjin Branch operated under the new management system. Under the leadership of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the higher level and the Party committees at the same level, the discipline inspection and supervision department under the jurisdiction of the People’s Bank of China at all levels upholds the principle of strictly governing the party and the principle of tackling both the symptoms and the root cause and earnestly implements the tasks of improving the party conduct and building a clean and honest government and anti- Obvious results. Main signs: First, party committees at all levels have a clear understanding of the work on fighting corruption and advocating ethical governance and resolutely implement the decision made by the Central Government and always take anti-corruption and building a clean government as the top priority. Further perfected the anti-corruption working mechanism and leading responsibility system; effectively promoted the work of building a clean government and fighting corruption; secondly, the various provisions and requirements of integrity and self-discipline were well implemented, and the integrity of leading cadres
党的思想建设既是个老问题也是个新问题。本文在回顾党的思想建设的最初含义的基础上结合“三个代表” ,阐释在新的历史时期继续加强党的思想建设的现实意义。 The ideologi
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