
来源 :潍坊医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoxianfeng
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目的 在五莲县松柏乡与叩官乡对猪巨吻棘头虫传播媒介及其传病关系作进一步调查。方法 对所捕获的传播媒介 (甲虫 )进行解剖 ,记录其阳性数及感染度。结果 在松柏乡捕获的甲虫被猪巨吻棘头虫幼虫感染的有大牙锯天牛 (Doryethenesparadoxus)、琉璃丽金龟 (Popillia atrocoerlea)、豆蓝丽金龟 (Popillia indiagonacea)和黄闪丽金龟 (Mimela testaceoviridis) ,其阳性率分别为 14.13% ,5.6 8% ,2 .55%和 0 %。在叩官乡捕获的甲虫有琉璃丽金龟、豆蓝丽金龟、黄闪丽金龟和蒙古丽金龟(Anomala mongolica) ,其感染率分别为 16 % ,7.4 % ,0 % ,和 0 .3%。结论 当地群众有喜捕食天牛的习惯 ,因此人体感染猪巨吻棘头虫的主要途径与捕食天牛有关。 Objective To further investigate the relationship between transmission media and transmission of Acanthoela plicata in Songbai Township and Guoguan Township in Wulian County. Methods The captured vectors (beetles) were dissected and the positive numbers and the degree of infection were recorded. Results Drosophila melanogaster (Doryethenesparadoxus), Popillia atrocoerlea, Popillia indiagonacea and Mimela testaceoviridis ), The positive rates were 14.13%, 5.68%, 2.55% and 0% respectively. The beetles captured in Guanzhong Township were Liriodendron, Begonia, Beluga and Anomala mongolica with infection rates of 16%, 7.4%, 0%, and 0.3%, respectively. Conclusion The local people have the habit of feeding on the horned beetles. Therefore, the main pathways that the human body infects the giant-spined larvae of the pig are related to the predation of the horned beetles.
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目的  探讨合欢皮对小鼠免疫功能的影响。方法  用相当于生药 10mg/ (kg .d)、10 0mg/(kg .d)和 50 0mg/ (kg .d)合欢皮水提取液 ,连续小鼠灌胃 6d ,检测小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞
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Cytokinesis is the last step of the M (mitosis) phase, yet it is crucial for the faithful division of one cell into two. Cytokinesis failure is often associated
目的 :对比观察了兔左右心房和心室M2 胆碱受体的分布位置及其特性。方法 :采用在扩张型心肌病患者新发现的心脏M2 胆碱受体自身抗体与用人M2 胆碱受体肽段经免疫制备的抗受
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目的 观察由弹性蛋白酶损伤肺致炎的地鼠血清中一氧化氮 (NO)和肿瘤坏死因子 (TNF- α)的动态变化 ,并初步探讨两者在炎症中的作用。方法 建立弹性蛋白酶损伤肺致炎金黄地