Hierarchical interacting multiple model algorithm based on improved current model

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fdazhyy
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Interacting multiple models is the hotspot in the research of maneuvering target models at present. A hierarchical idea is introduced into IMM algorithm. The method is that the whole models are organized as two levels to co-work, and each cell model is an improved “current” statistical model. In the improved model, a kind of nonlinear fuzzy membership function is presented to get over the limitation of original model, which can not track weak maneuvering target precisely. At last, simulation experiments prove the efficient of the novel algorithm compared to interacting multiple model and hierarchical interacting multiple model based original “current” statistical model in tracking precision. Interactioning multiple models is the hotspot in the research of maneuvering target models at present. A hierarchical idea is introduced into IMM algorithm. The method is that the whole models are organized as two levels to co-work, and each cell model is an improved “current ” statistical model. In the improved model, a kind of nonlinear fuzzy membership function is presented to get over the limitation of the original model, which can not track weak maneuvering target precisely. At last, simulation experiments prove the efficient of the novel algorithm compared to interacting multiple model and hierarchical interacting multiple model based original “current ” statistical model in tracking precision.
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