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随着科学技术迅猛发展,21世纪对人才基本能力的要求,教育部《普通高中数学课程标准》,提出中国学生在数学学习中应培养好数学抽象、逻辑推理、数学建模、数学运算、直观想象、数据分析六大核心素养。以前有的老师为了赶进度,在平时教学中满堂灌,直接告诉学生知道公式,会套公式做题。有经验的教师在教学过程中常常以精心设计的提问启迪学生的思维,激发他们的求知欲,促使他们参与学习,帮助他们理解和应用知识。下面以我所上的《组合与组合数》一课为例谈一下我的问题设置。 With the rapid development of science and technology, the requirements of the 21st century for the basic ability of qualified personnel and the “Ordinary High School Math Curriculum Standards” of the Ministry of Education put forward that Chinese students should cultivate mathematical abstraction, logical reasoning, mathematical modeling, mathematical operation and intuition in mathematics learning Imagine, data analysis six core literacy. Some teachers in the past in order to catch up, in the usual teaching full house, directly to tell students to know the formula, the formula will do the problem. Experienced teachers often inspire students’ thinking in well-designed questions in their teaching process, stimulate their thirst for knowledge, encourage them to participate in learning and help them understand and apply knowledge. Let’s talk about my problem setup as an example of the “Combination and Combination” lesson that I mentioned above.
本文记述三叉食虫虻属Trichomachimus Engel 11个新种。管三叉食虫虻 Tr.tubus sp. nov.,粉斑三叉食虫虻 Tr.maculatus sp.nov.,红三叉食虫虻 Tr.rufus sp.nov.,黑跗三叉食虫
<正> 澜沧江—湄公河发源于我国青藏高原唐古拉山麓。在我国境内称为澜沧江,从我国云南省西双版纳州出境,境外称为湄公河。河流全长4880公里,流经缅甸、老挝、泰国、柬埔寨、
<正> 以下为近来我们在花蝽科分类工作中发现的10个中国新纪录种及其采集地点: 长头截胸花蝽Temnastethus reduoinus (Herrich-Schaeffer), 1853北京,天津。 小淡脉花费蝽Aco
本文三新种是壳菜果伪足瘿螨Nothopoda mytibariae sp. nov., 木香新联节瘿螨Neocosella aquilariae sp. nov. 和荔枝离节瘿螨Disella litchii sp. nov., 它们都分布在广西。
本文记述果蝇属Drosophila拱背果蝇亚属Lordiphosa在中国的分布,包括七新种:等枝拱背果蝇Drosophila (Lordiphosa) ramipata sp.nov.,不对称拱背果蝇Drosophila (Lordiphosa)