
来源 :植物遗传资源学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bolinyuan
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以六倍体裸燕麦578(大粒品种)和三分三(小粒品种)为亲本进行杂交,构建包含202个家系的F2遗传作图群体。由172个SSR标记构建出包含21个连锁群的遗传连锁图谱。采用复合区间作图对子粒性状进行QTL定位,共检测到17个控制子粒长度、宽度、千粒重的QTL位点。其中,6个与子粒长度相关的QTL位点表型的贡献率为0.70%~12.83%,5个与子粒宽度相关的QTL位点表型的贡献率为0.77%~12.92%,6个与子粒千粒重相关的QTL位点表型的贡献率为0.58%~10.64%。在这些QTLs中有4个的贡献率达到了10%以上,分别是与子粒长有关的qGL-2(12.83%)、与子粒宽有关的qGW-5(12.92%)以及与千粒重有关的qTGW-3(10.64%)和qTGW-4(10.05%),被认为是主效基因所在位点。而且qGL-2和qTGW-4位于连锁群的相同位置上。还发现第3号连锁群上AM1089~AM1512区段分别与子粒长度、宽度和千粒重相关,同时3号连锁群AM86-2~AM1044区间分别与子粒长度和千粒重相关,而位于第21号连锁群AM3217~AM965区段分别与子粒宽度和千粒重相关。这一研究为燕麦子粒性状的深入研究和相关标记开发以及分子辅助选择研究奠定了基础。 F2 population with 202 pedigrees was constructed by crosses of hexaploid naked oats 578 (big grain variety) and thirds (small grain variety) as parents. A total of 172 SSR markers were used to construct a genetic linkage map containing 21 linkage groups. QTL mapping of grain traits was carried out by using composite interval mapping. Seventeen QTLs controlling grain length, width and 1000-grain weight were detected. Among them, the contribution rate of six QTL loci phenotypes related to grain length was 0.70% ~ 12.83%, and the contribution rate of five QTL loci phenotypes related to grain width was 0.77% ~ 12.92% The contribution rate of 1000-grain weight QTL locus phenotype was 0.58% -10.64%. Among these QTLs, four contributed more than 10%, which were qGL-2 (12.83%) related to grain length, qGW-5 (12.92%) related to grain width and qTGW- 3 (10.64%) and qTGW-4 (10.05%) were considered as major loci. Moreover, qGL-2 and qTGW-4 are located in the same position in the linkage group. It was also found that AM1089 ~ AM1512 in linkage group 3 were related to the length, width and 1000-grain weight respectively. At the same time, AM86-2 ~ AM1044 in linkage group 3 were related to grain length and 1000-grain weight respectively, whereas AM3217 The AM965 segment is related to the grain width and 1000-grain weight, respectively. This research lays the foundation for further research on grain traits and related marker development and molecular aided selection in oat.
易思学习法的创立者是上海市教学成果奖获得者、心理学硕士徐国明。“易”代表热情(Enthusiasm)的首字母E;“思”代表科学(Science)的首字母S。  易思学习法的特色是:把科学先进的学习理论通俗化,把顶尖学生的学习秘诀大众化,把千头万绪的学习活动流程化。  易思学习法的目标是:让快速成功的学习理想成为现实,让普通学生的人生未来同样精彩。  易思学习法的最高宗旨是:开发学习潜能,知识改变命
黄晓米如同一只埋在地底下的蝉,熬过漫长的黑暗,终于破土而出了。而为他掘开土层的,是一个大大咧咧的女生——白菜。    一    从小到大,黄晓米最想不通的就是,为什么爸妈人高马大,自己却如此瘦小,就连名字也没有一点气势——黄晓米,干嘛不叫黄长江,黄黄河,再不,叫黄大米也成啊!  新学期的第一天,自我介绍是免不了的程序,黄晓米站在讲台上咳了两声:“大家好,我叫黄晓米,不是小米的小,是春眠不觉晓的晓…