Acute effects of TCDD administration:special emphasis on testicular and sperm mitochondrial function

来源 :亚太生殖杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wj781228
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Objective: The goal of this study was to verify if 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) could have any effect on male germ cells mitochondria and in this way add new insights in how male reproductive alterations observed in other studies occur. Methods:In vivo and in vitro approaches using rat testis and human sperm as models were employed to evaluate TCDD effects on testicular and sperm mitochondria after 24 h of exposure. Results:Testicular mitochondria from TCDD-treated rats presented no differences in the bioenergetic parameters monitored except for a significantly higher electric membrane potential in the presence of ADP, corroborated when TCDD was directly added to testicular mitochondria from untreated rats. Nevertheless, sperm mitochondrial membrane potential, motility, viability, capacitation and acrosomal integrity did not change after TCDD treatment. Moreover, only few sperm cells exposed to TCDD increased their intracellular Ca2+concentration. Conlusions:TCDD can interact directly with rat testicular mitochondria inducing small changes. This effect, however, does not seem to occur in human sperm or it may be insufficient to induce significant alterations as observed by the maintenance of sperm function.
目的探讨新创伤评分法即格拉斯哥昏迷评分(GCS)、年龄和收缩压评分(GAP)对急诊创伤患者的伤情判定和病死率预测的准确性。方法收集27 706例急诊创伤患者的临床资料。观察终点分为3类:到达急诊科或急救中心后24 h内死亡,即24 h死亡;到达急诊科或急救中心24 h至到达急诊科或急救中心7 d死亡,即24 h后死亡;其他创伤患者均视为存活。在创伤机制、GCS、年龄和收缩压评分(MGAP)的基础上
目的探讨不同剂量瑞芬太尼对妇科腹腔镜手术镇痛效果和对痛觉过敏的影响。方法将90例妇科腹腔镜手术患者按随机数字表法分为A组、B组、C组,每组30例。麻醉诱导A组、B组采用静脉注射瑞芬太尼1.5 μg/kg、丙泊酚2 mg/kg、顺阿曲库铵0.2 mg/kg,C组采用静脉注射芬太尼3 μg/kg、丙泊酚2 mg/kg、顺阿曲库铵0.2 mg/kg;麻醉维持A组采用输注瑞芬太尼0.3 μg/(kg·mi
Objective:To ascertain changes in fertility in post Foier’s gangrene patients on account of changed scrotal environment. Methods: Sixty post Foier’s patients
目的探讨胃癌组织中钠氢交换蛋白(NHE)1的表达水平及其与临床特征的关系。方法分别应用RT-PCR和Western blot方法检测48例胃癌组织及40例癌旁胃黏膜组织中NHE1 mRNA及蛋白的表达情况,并进一步分析其表达与临床病理资料的关系。结果胃癌组织中NHE1 mRNA及蛋白相对表达量分别为0.791±0.286和1.475±0.142,癌旁组织分别为0.352±0.069和0.329±0
目的探讨老年慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者气道阻塞的严重程度与动脉硬化的相关性。方法选择确诊为COPD的老年患者98例,第1秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)占预计值百分比(FEV1%)≥50%为轻中度患者(轻中度组,62例),FEV1% <50%为重度患者(重度组,36例)。比较两组患者肱踝脉搏波速度(baPWV)、体质量指数(BMI)、24 h平均心率、血脂、空腹血糖、动脉血氧分压(PaO2),以及
Objective:To compare the cervical length measured by TVS with modified Bishop’s score for cervical assessment before induction of labor. Methods:One hundred an
目的通过对米力农治疗先天性心脏病肺炎合并心力衰竭患儿的疗效观察,探讨血浆脑钠肽(BNP)的变化对预后的影响。方法将50例先天性心脏病肺炎合并心力衰竭患儿按住院先后编号,奇数为米力农组,偶数为多巴胺组,每组25例;在镇静、吸氧、抗感染、营养心肌、利尿等常规治疗的基础上分别予米力农和多巴胺治疗5 d。检测治疗前后血浆BNP水平,彩色多普勒超声检测心功能指标左室射血分数(LVEF)、左室短轴缩短率(LV