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全球化是巨大而荒谬的想象,当所谓的大一统“国际化食物”像稻田里的杂草一样蓬勃生长时,地方差异变得愈来愈稀少,一家餐厅如果没有抓人眼球的特色,凭什么期待回头客?钱钟书说过.这个世界被人弄得混乱颠倒,到处是摩擦和冲突,总算其中还有两样是人造的,一是音乐,二就是烹调。并且两者也是统一的,一盆好菜就是一首好乐曲。在欧帝奇的一层是欧式的装潢,也可以坐在落台上一边欣赏香山的半山美景 Globalization is a huge and absurd imagination. When the so-called “international food” of the unification grows vigorously like the weeds in the rice fields, the local differences become increasingly scarce. If there is no distinctive feature in a restaurant, What to expect repeat customers? Qian said. The world was confused and upside down, full of friction and conflict, and finally there are two different man-made, one music, two is cooking. And the two are unified, a pot of good food is a good piece of music. On the first floor of Oodji is a European-style decoration, you can also sit on the stage while enjoying the Mid-levels beauty of Fragrant Hills
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《化学试剂》是由中国分析测试协会、国药集团化学试剂有限公司、北京国化精试咨询有限公司主办,全国化学试剂信息站承办,在国内外公开发行,国内刊号:CN 11-2135/TQ,国际刊号