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我从去年初开始学写新闻稿以来,已经在各级报刊发表二十七篇“读者来信”。我从实践中体会到:抓住社会上一些带普遍性的问题,做到一事一稿,力求使“来信”稿内容有针对性,这样的稿件,群众喜欢读,而且还能解决一些实际问题。去年初,我厂不少工人不愿签订承包合同,原因是前年签订承包合同时,领导把上交利润指标规定好,工人在承包合同上签上名,厂领导就甩手不管了,让工人自己找活干,工人们普遍意见很大。我就写了《工人要求企业领导找活干》的读者来信,投寄给《塔城报》。这篇稿件发表了后,厂里很多工人都争着看,不少工人同志说:你这篇稿件说出了我们的心里话! Since I started to study and write a press release early last year, I have published 27 “Letters from Readers” at all levels of newspapers and periodicals. I have come to realize from practice that we should seize some common problems in our society and do a manuscript of one issue so as to make the contents of the letter written with pertinence. Such manuscripts and people like to read, but also solve some practical problems . At the beginning of last year, many workers in our factory did not want to sign the contract because the leaders signed the contract of profit the year before. The workers signed the contract and signed the contract. The factory manager ignored him and let the workers themselves Look for work, workers generally have great opinions. I wrote a letter from a reader who asked the business leaders to find a job, and sent it to Tacheng. After the manuscript was published, many workers in the factory were vying for it. Many workers comrades said: Your manuscript has uttered our truth!
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