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1983年11月6日,日本第24次南极科考越冬队成员采集了一批苔藓标本,回国后这些苔藓标本并没有用于研究,而是连带着藏身其中的水熊虫一起,被放入冰库雪藏了起来。这些标本在冷库里被遗忘了30多年,直到2014年5月,其中一份标本才得以重见天日。经过简单地解冻和浸泡后,水熊虫竟然复活了。2016年2月,记录这几只“传奇熊”的研究论文发表在《低温生物学》上。 On November 6, 1983, a batch of moss specimens were collected from the wintering winter team of the 24th Antarctic Expeditionary Force in Japan. After returning home, these moss specimens were not used for research but were brought together with water bears hiding in them The ice bank is frozen up. These specimens were forgotten in cold storage for more than 30 years and until May 2014 one of the specimens was restored. After a simple thawing and soaking, water bears even resurrected. In February 2016, a research paper documenting these “legendary bears” was published in “Cryogenics.”
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