Preparation and Rheological Properties of Vacuum Lubricating Grease

来源 :中国炼油与石油化工(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uirerhj
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A kind of vacuum lubricating grease was prepared by using perfluoropolyether as base oil, perfluorinated polymer as thickener, and self-made additives. The colloidal stability of the grease was greatly improved by introducing a colloidal structure modifier. The rheological properties of the self-made grease (SMG), such as viscosity versus time, thixotropy, etc., were studied by a rheometer at different temperatures and were compared with those of foreign brand grease (FBG). The results show that the performance of SMG reached the level of similar FBG, and some properties such as mechanical stability, colloidal stability, extreme pressure and antiwear properties were better. It can be used for long life lubrication of moving parts in a vacuum environment.
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