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名人故居是历史文化与建筑风格相互交融的产物,不仅记录着名人生活点滴、彰显着优秀精神品质,还蕴藏着一定历史典故、人文风貌、地域特色,具有极高的开发潜质和利用价值。如何挖掘利用好这些宝贵财富,并结合当代技术手段使之活化发展,适应现代生活模式、精神需求,是一个值得探索实践的时代课题。 The former residence of celebrities is a product of the integration of history and culture with architectural style. It not only records bit by bit the life of celebrities, but also shows excellent spiritual qualities. It also contains some historical allusions, humanistic features and geographical features, which have extremely high development potential and utilization value. How to exploit and make good use of these precious wealth and make it activate and develop in combination with contemporary technological means to adapt to the modern life style and spiritual needs is a topic of the times worth exploring and practicing.
摘 要: 英语的学习需要记背大量词汇和语言的基本句型和用法,这让语言的学习显得较为枯燥和乏味,所以寻求一种行之有效的教学方法显得尤为必要。情景教学法能使枯燥的语言教学生动化、形象化,是学生乐于接受的一种教学方法。本文对情景教学法的定义、作用和实施的方法进行研究。  关键词: 情景教学法 高职英语教学 教学策略  一、情景教学法的定义  新课改环境下以学生为主体的教学方法层出不穷,情景教学法是众多新
<正>The hippocampus is a major component of the limbic tissue of the mammalian central nervous system and is an important region responsible for emotion, behavi
摘 要: 改革后的听力题型更注重对学生听力理解和应用能力的考查,以及对英美国家时事新闻与文化等多方面知识的了解,这就对大学英语听力教学提出了新的要求。本文就大学英语四级听力题型改革后的军队英语课堂听力教学进行了分析。  关键词: 大学英语四级 听力题型改革 听力教学  一、引言  大学英语四级考试自1987年第一次实施以来经过多次改革,最后一次改革方案于2015年12月提出,2016年6月正式实施
<正>Bilateral spontaneous pontine hemorrhage is rare.In addition,bilateral corticospinal tract(CST) involvement in the pons may accompany serious motor sequelae
This study determined the composition of histamine,serotonin and dopamine using high performance liquid chromatography and electrochemical detection,and compare