,Intermittency Growth in Fluid Turbulence

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hfzxl
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Measurement and phenomenological analyses of intermittency growth in an experimental turbulent pipe flow and numerical turbulence are performed, for which working definitions such as degree, increment, and growth rate of intermittency are introduced with the help of quasiscaling theory. The logarithmic-normal inertial scaling model is extended to quasiscaling as the second-order truncation of the Taylor expansion and is used for studying the intermittency growth problem. The extended self-similarity properties are shown to be not consistent with the monotonicity of the third order local quasiscaling exponent and the nonmonotonic behaviour of the intermittency growth rate as a result of bottleneck. Digestions of the results with scale-dependent multifractals are provided.
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体验学习的课堂教学不是封闭式的传授,而是开放式的引导;不是被动式的接受,而是探索性的体验;不是单向的灌输,而是互动性的创新和发展。下面笔者就数学谈谈体验活动的设计。    一、 实验操作体验    实验操作就是将教材上学习的知识理论运用到实践操作上,从而让学生去体验和感悟其中道理、情感等。例如,在六年级学习完“百分数计算”后,笔者就设计以下题目让学生进行社会调查:(1)银行储蓄的年利率是多少?(2
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叶澜教授曾说:“课堂应是向未知方向挺进的旅行,随时都有可能发现意外的通道和美丽的风景,而不是一切都必须遵循固定线路而没有激情的行程。”课堂是一个动态变化的发展过程,教师只有及时捕捉和利用各种生成资源,才能真正使课堂焕发生机、绽放精彩。    一、 精心预设,促进精彩生成    凡事预则立,不预则废。教师只有吃透教材,摸清学情,科学地预测课堂情况,精心设计教学预案,课堂上才能挥洒自如,稳操胜券。例如