患者叶某男4岁住院号42578 患儿于1981年3月17日旅途中,突发左侧上牙痛,高烧39~40℃。19日开始左眼眶内下缘红肿,在郑州某医院诊断为:左急性泪囊炎。数日后红肿区自行穿破流脓。同年4月4日转入我院门诊治疗。因患儿不合作,未能冲洗泪道,仍按急性泪囊炎治疗。经肌注青霉素、庆大霉素和口服四环素,局部红肿仍时好时坏,脓液不断。经门诊治疗一月无效。于5月26日以左眼泪囊炎收治入院。入院第三天做了左泪囊冲洗,泪
Patient Yemou 4-year-old hospitalization 42578 Children in the March 17, 1981 journey, sudden left toothache, fever 39 ~ 40 ℃. On the 19th left orbital margin of the lower left and right swollen, a hospital in Zhengzhou diagnosis: left acute dacryocystitis. A few days after the swelling and drainage area to wear own pus. April 4 the same year transferred to our hospital for treatment. Due to uncooperative children, failed to wash lacrimal passages, still treated by acute dacryocystitis. After intramuscular injection of penicillin, gentamicin and oral tetracycline, local swelling is still good and bad, pus constantly. Outpatient treatment January invalid. On May 26 to the left dacryocystitis admission admitted. On the third day of admission left dacryocyst irrigation, tears