,Irreducible Modular Characters and p-Regular Conjugacy Classes

来源 :代数集刊(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sanshao
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Let G be a solvable group. In this paper, we prove that the set of vertices of the p-modular character degree graph of G is contained in the set of vertices of the p-regular conjugacy class graph of G. Under some condition, an edge of the p-modular character degree graph of G is also an edge of the p-regular conjugacy class graph of G.
水稻杂种优势的利用是提高水稻产量的重要途径,亲本的选配则是杂交种选育的关键和难点。目前亲本的选配主要依赖于育种家的经验,存在很大的不确定性且需耗费大量的精力进行田间表型鉴定。与传统的育种技术相比,分子设计育种能够实现从“经验育种”到定向高效的“精确育种”的转变,大幅提高育种效率。其中基因组选择(genomic selection,GS)概念的提出为我们预测杂交种的表现提供了可能。从理论上来说,如果
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