认真贯彻地震工作方针 努力开展地震予报工作——记昔阳台专群结合、土洋结合开展予报的事迹

来源 :山西地震通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803_chenjianchao
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昔阳地震台在批林整风和批林批孔运动中,认真贯彻党中央制定的在党的一元化领导下,以予防为主,专群结合,土洋结合,大打人民战争的地震工作方针,努力开展地震予报工作,在最近一年半中,在该台观测范围内共予报地震十次,其中准确无误的一次,基本准确的五次,在地震予报工作中取得了一些成绩。 昔阳地震台是一九七一年建立的,全台共有三名工作人员,他们都是一九七一年以后才开始搞地震工作的,文化程度最高的只有初中毕业。那么,他们在文化水平低,业务不熟悉的情况下是怎样取得这些成绩的呢?用他们自己的话来说:这是贯彻执行党的地震工作路线方针的结果。 In the campaign of rectifying forests and approving barks and approving holes, the Xiyang Seismostationary Conference conscientiously implemented the Earthquake Working Guidelines formulated by the Central Committee of the Party under the unified leadership of the party and based on the principle of giving priority to prevention, combining special groups and groups, combining the imperialism with the war of the peasants, and fighting the people’s war , And strive to carry out earthquakes reporting work. In the past year and a half, a total of 10 earthquakes were reported within the observation range of the station, of which there was an accurate one and five basic and accurate ones, and some achievements were made in earthquakes reporting . Xiyang Seismostation was established in 1971. There are a total of three staff members in Taiwan. All of them started earthquake work after 1971. Only the junior high school graduated from the highest degree of education. So how did they achieve these achievements with a low level of literacy and unfamiliar business? In their own words, this is the result of implementing the Party’s line of work on earthquakes.
《美国地震学会通报》1979年1月第69卷1期299页刊载克洛德(W.K.Cloud)写的《地震危险的评定与减缓》的书评,译载如下: The American Seismological Society Bulletin, Janua
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各行政公署,自治州、市、县人民政府,省直机关各单位:现将《湖南省“九五”时期经济体制改革纲要》印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。 All administrative commissions, autonom