Standard Molar Enthalpy of Formation of RE(C_5H_8NS_2)_3(C_(12)H_8N_2)

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongxingdehong
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Four solid ternary complexes of RE (C_5H_8NS_2)_3(C_(12)H_8N_2) (RE=Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy) were synthesized in absolute ethanol by rare earth chloride low hydrate with the mixed ligands of ammonium pyrrolidinedi-thiocarbamate (APDC) and 1, 10-phenanthroline·H_2O (o-phen·H_2O) in the ordinary laboratory atmosphere without any cautions against moisture or air sensitivity. IR spectra of the complexes show that the RE~(3+) coordinated with six sulfur atoms of three PDC~- and two nitrogen atoms of o-phen·H_2O. It was assumed that the coordination number of RE~(3+) is eight. The constant-volume combustion energies of the complexes, Δ_cU, were determined as (-16937 88±9 79 ), (-17588 79±8 62 ), ((-17747 14±)8 25 ) and (-17840 37±8 87 ) kJ·mol~(-1), by a precise rotating-bomb calorimeter at 298.15 K. Its standard molar enthalpies of combustion, Δ_cH~θ_m, and standard molar enthalpies of formation, Δ_fH~θ_m, were calculated as (-16953 37±9 79), (-17604 28±8 62), (-17762 63±8 25), (-17855 86±8 87) kJ·mol~(-1) and (-857.04±10.52), (-282.43±9.58), (-130.08±9.13), (-55.75±9.83) kJ·mol~(-1). Four solid ternary complexes of RE (C_5H_8NS_2) _3 (C_ (12) H_8N_2) (RE = Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy) were synthesized in absolute ethanol by rare earth chloride low hydrate with the mixed ligands of ammonium pyrrolidinedi-thiocarbamate ) and 1, 10-phenanthroline · H 2 O (o-phen · H 2 O) in the ordinary laboratory atmosphere without any cautions against moisture or air sensitivity. IR spectra of the complexes show that the RE ~ (3+) coordinated with the six sulfur atoms of It was assumed that the coordination number of RE ~ (3+) is eight. The constant-volume combustion energies of the complexes, Δ_cU, were determined as (-16937 88 ± 9 79), (-17588 79 ± 8 62), (-17747 14 ±) 8 25) and (-17840 37 ± 8 87) kJ · mol -1 by a precise rotating-bomb calorimeter at 298.15 K. Its standard molar enthalpies of combustion, Δ_cH ~ θ_m, and standard molar enthalpies of formation, Δ_fH ~ θ_m, were calculated as (-16953 37 ± 9 79), (-17604 28 ± 8 62), (-17762 63 (-85.84 ± 10.52), (-282.43 ± 9.58), (-130.08 ± 9.13), (-55.75 ± 9.83) kJ · mol ~ (-1).
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當前,南方部分地区已经进入汛期。铁路部门以确保列车安全、确保旅客生命财产安全、确保运输秩序为核心,以全面排查、重点整治、严密防守、应急处置为主线,坚持科学防洪、全年防洪、全员防洪,全力确保运输安全。  根据气象部门的预测,今年汛期我国气候为中等偏差年景,夏季风爆发偏早,主要多雨带可能位于黄淮、江淮地区;淮河流域、黄河流域下游、长江流域上游、珠江流域下游降水偏多,可能出现洪涝,防汛形势较严峻;青藏高