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东西文化差异与冲突的现象自古以来就一直存在。东西文化的差异和冲突也是范围比较大的问题,涉及到区域概念、文化概念等等。研究这一问题的专家学者也是数不胜数,看待此问题的角度也是不胜枚举。这篇论文想要从一个比较小的切入点来谈论此问题,从一个普通跨国家庭的角度看中西文化的差异及冲突。因为此户家庭的故事发生在特定的历史时期,具有一定的代表性。从这个点切入,能够从细节处理解这个比较宽泛的问题,因而也增强了论文的趣味性以及读者感同身受的能力。前半部分侧重展示的是差异和冲突的表现方面,后半部分侧重于怎样解决这一问题,从当代中西文化冲突的现象谈论解决文化冲突的方法和途径。在全球化的今天,以美国为主导的文化霸权在一定程度上影响到了我国传统文化的弘扬以及全球文化多样性的发展,因此怎样处理好文化交流与融合的问题是当今文化领域的重大问题,这是不可小觑的。 The cultural differences and conflicts between the East and West have existed since ancient times. Differences and conflicts between Eastern and Western cultures are also relatively large issues, involving regional concepts, cultural concepts and so on. The number of experts and scholars who study this issue is also numerous. The angle of view on this issue is too numerous to mention. This essay wants to talk about this issue from a relatively small starting point and to see the differences and conflicts between Chinese and Western cultures from the perspective of an ordinary transnational family. Because this family story takes place in a particular historical period, has a certain representation. From this point on, you can understand the broader question from the details and thus enhance the fun of the essay as well as the reader’s empathy. The first half is devoted to demonstrating differences and conflicts. The second half focuses on how to solve this problem and discusses ways and means of settling cultural conflicts from the phenomena of contemporary Chinese and Western cultures. In today’s globalization, the cultural hegemony led by the United States has affected the development of our traditional culture and the development of global cultural diversity to a certain extent. Therefore, how to handle the issue of cultural exchange and integration is a major issue in today’s cultural field, This is not to be underestimated.
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<正> 新华社社长郭超人在新华社1998年工作会议上讲话时总结说:“1997年,我们对邓小平同志逝世、香港回归、党的十五大等一系列重大战役性报道,为正确引导舆论发挥了‘龙头’