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学生上音乐、体育课时总是欢呼雀跃、兴致勃勃,上数学课时就无精打采,为何会出现这两种截然不同的现象呢?其实原因不在学生,更多地应从教者自身的角度去找,应该怎样才能把枯燥无味的数学课上得有声有色呢?下面我谈谈教学中的一些体会。一、构建充满活力的数学课堂,激发学生的学习兴趣构建充满活力的数学课堂,激发学生的学习兴趣,是上好一节数学课的重要任务。在教学过程中,应该留给学生足够的自由空间,以灵活多变的形式,让学生充分动起来,积极参与教学双边 Students on the music, always cheer in physical education class, high spirits, on the math class listlessness, why there are two completely different phenomenon? In fact, the reason is not students, more should be from the point of view of their own teachers should look for, how should In order to be dull and tasteless math class? Now I talk about some of the teaching experience. First, the construction of a vibrant mathematics classroom to stimulate student interest in learning to build a vibrant mathematical classroom, to stimulate student interest in learning is a good math class an important task. In the process of teaching, students should be given enough free space, in a flexible form, so that students fully mobilized to actively participate in bilateral teaching
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