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“第一次站在车门前迎接旅客上车,看着蜂拥而来的旅客.我的心‘咯噔’一下仿佛跳了出来。我告诉自己不用怕,要冷静沉着对待,维持好秩序,大声宣传,协助旅客安全上车。等旅客全部安全上了车.列车开出站台,我才发现,大冬天的我竟全身都是汗水。”“第一次在车厢上向旅客做自我介绍,宣传安全卫生,面对来自各地的旅客们,我很紧张,后来在空闲时跟他们聊天,亲身体会到了他们为生活四处奔波的无奈以及春节归家的急切心情。”“第一次看到了冰天雪地,我完全没有想像中兴奋的心情,因为冰灾,列车已被困十几个小时了.拥挤的车厢里食物和饮用水十分有限.旅客们很焦躁不安,我们乘务员的压力很大,很多人又累又饿,非常疲劳,但所有人都坚守在自己的岗位……我开始想家,想到悄悄流泪。”这是宁波车队一位实习生的实习总结,车队刘队长笑着说,我们的乘务员都是经历这些第一次过来的。一年前的这个时候,南宁客运段宁波车队才正式定图成立。寒暑易节,走过四季,车队实习生所经历的这些,见证了宁波车队新建第一年的成长历程.也见证了这支朝气蓬勃的新车队在2008年这个不同寻常的春运中所经受的艰辛考验。 “For the first time in front of the door to greet the passengers on the train, watching the rush of passengers .My heart” slightly “look as if jumped out .I told myself not to be afraid to calm calm, maintain good order, loud Publicity, to help travelers get on the bus safely. All the passengers on the bus safely out of the train platform, I discovered that in the winter I actually sweat the whole body. ”“ The first time in the car on the passenger to do a self-introduction , Publicize safety and health, in the face of travelers from all over, I was very nervous, and later chatted with them when I was free, and personally experienced their anxiety about running around in life and returning to the Spring Festival. ”“ I saw the snow and ice, I totally did not imagine the excitement, because the ice storm, the train has been trapped for more than 10 hours .Covering the food and drinking water is very limited. The passengers are very restless, and our cabin crew under pressure , A lot of people tired and hungry, very tired, but all stick to their posts ... ... I began to homesick, think of quietly crying. ”This is an internship internationar Ningbo team concluded that Captain Liu smiled Say, our crew These are experienced for the first time over. At this time of year ago, the Ningbo section of Nanning Passenger Transport Group was formally established. Cold and Heat Easy Festival, through the four seasons, the team intern experienced these witnessed the growth of Ningbo fleet in the first year of new growth. Also witnessed this vibrant new team in the 2008 unusual Spring Festival suffered Hard test.