
来源 :山花 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanshileia001
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登山者来到桃花溪畔, 不论山花初放;松竹凝寒; 不论三伏盛夏;红叶满山; 总爱扑向那清澈的温泉。温泉啊,你穿越多少冰冷的岩层, 你不倦地流淌了多少万年? 莫非你是地下的普罗米修斯吗? ——硬从地心里掏出“流动的火焰”。怎能说你只在空濛的紫云峰下, 七十二峰,哪一座不与你一脉相连? 你虽不象九龙瀑那样气势磅礴, 却给人们留下无尽的眷恋。你是一卷从远古流来的童话, 能使人神游八极,遐想无限—— Climbers came to Peach Creek, regardless of the mountain flowers; pine bamboo condensate; regardless of three-volt summer; red leaves covered mountains; always love pouncing toward the clear hot springs. How many thousand years have you been tirelessly flowing through the hot springs, how many ice cold formations have you crossed? Are you underground Prometheus? - Hardly pulling out the “flowing flame” from the earth. How can you say that you are only in the empty Mongolia Ziyun Feng, seventy-two peak, which one is not connected with your pulse? Although you are not as magnificent as Kowloon Waterfall, but give people left endless nostalgia. You are a volume of fairy tales flowing from ancient times, can make people travel eight poles, unlimited reverie -
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当平原在你的眼眶里任意泛滥起它的广阔不要急于用照相机缩小它的版图从山谷里走来的人本想领略空旷的自在但体验的却是山的凝重峰的雄伟谷的深沉心的起伏脉膊的跳动 When
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