The Smart Behavior of Cement-based Composite Containing Carbon Fibers under Three-point-bending Load

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxdong2009
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The influences of the fiber volume fraction on the electrical conductivity and the fraction change of electrical resistance under three-point-bending test were discussed. It is found that the relationship between the electrical conductivity of composites and the fiber volume fraction can be explained by the percolation theory and the change of electrical resistance of specimens reflects to the process of loading. The sensitivity and the response of the change of electrical resistance to the load for specimens with different fiber volume fractions are quite different, which provide an important guide for the manufacture of conductive and intrinsically smart carbon fiber composite. The influences of the fiber volume fraction on the electrical conductivity and the fraction change of electrical resistance under three-point-bending test were discussed. It is found that the relationship between the electrical conductivity of composites and the fiber volume fraction can be explained by the The sensitivity and the response of the change of electrical resistance to the load for specimens with different fiber volume fractions are quite different, which provide an important guide for the manufacture of conductive and intrinsically smart carbon fiber composite.
摘 要:对于语文教学来说,朗读是一种重要的阅读教学活动,也是一种传统的教学方式。朗读教学应从现今的一些误区中走出,变得更为高效、务实,使之切实成为发展学生语言,培养学生能力,激发学习情感的重要手段。  关键词:朗读教学;现状误区;解决策略  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2015)03-066-1  一、“有感情”不能标准化  每个人的经历阅历不同,生活体验不
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摘 要:身为语文教师的我们,为了走好作文的“人文化”教改之路,应当对自己原有的行为进行反思。改变陈旧的教学观念,针对现状不断地探索作文教学改革之路。首先,应从自身出发加强人文修养,并立足课堂,开发文本中的人文资源,生活中的人文资源,当然更应当体验成功,建立促进持续发展的评价体系。这样的作文教学将充满生机,不再迷惘。  关键词:人文思想;小学作文  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1