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蔡仲德,浙江绍兴人。1937年生。1960年毕业于华东师范大学中文系。后长期在中央音乐学院工作,为该院音乐学系教授、博士生导师。又任全国音乐美学学会理事、冯友兰研究会常务理事。1979年起研究中国音乐美学史,1993年起研究中国文化与士人格。著有《中国音乐美学史资料注译》《中国音乐美学史》《音乐之道的探求--论中国音乐美学史及其他》《冯友兰先生年谱初编》等。编有《三松堂全集》(即冯友兰全集,14卷本)、《宗璞文集》(4卷本)、《蔡元培研究》等。 由于为建立音乐美学学科作出贡献,1993年获高校优秀教学成果一等奖(与教研室同仁合作)。代表作《中国音乐美学史》初版本1996年获中国图书奖,2003年修订本列入“中国文库”。 Cai Zhongde, Shaoxing, Zhejiang. Born in 1937. In 1960 graduated from East China Normal University Department of Chinese. After a long time in the Central Conservatory of Music, as the hospital professor of music, doctoral tutor. And the National Music Aesthetics Society, Feng Youlan Research Association executive director. Starting from 1979, she studied the history of Chinese music and aesthetics, and started to study Chinese culture and her personality since 1993. Author of “A History of Chinese Aesthetics of Music”, “A History of Chinese Music Aesthetics”, “Exploration of the Road to Music - A History of Chinese Music Aesthetics and Others”, “A Compilation of the Ages of Feng Youlan” and so on. The compilation of “three Song Hall Complete Works” (ie, Feng Youlan Complete Works, 14 volumes), “Zong Pu Encyclopedia” (4 volumes), “Cai Yuanpei research” and so on. As a contribution to the establishment of music aesthetics discipline, in 1993 won the first prize of outstanding teaching achievements of colleges and universities (with collegiate colleagues). The first edition of the masterpiece “History of Chinese Music Aesthetics” won the China Book Prize in 1996 and the 2003 Revision into “China Library.”
从去年十一月上旬开始动笔,今年二月上旬交出钢琴谱,五月上旬最后完成总谱,我用了近半年的时间,写完了歌剧《杨贵妃》。 对这部歌剧,我是有备而来,无备而去。 所谓有备而来,
To investigate whether and how manual acupuncture(MA) modulates brain activities,we design an experiment where acupuncture at acupoint ST36 of the right leg is