今年江苏省启东市3万多户农户对房前屋后和路旁的低洼地进行改造,加上防逃设施,建起了2万多亩的平田提水养蟹池塘。 平田提水养蟹操作简单易行,5月份放养大眼幼体蟹苗,到10月份即可起捕,一般每亩投入成本2000元左右,而收入可达万元左右,最高的亩收入在1.5万
This year more than 30,000 rural households in Qidong City, Jiangsu Province, transformed the low-lying land behind the houses and the roadsides. Together with the anti-flee facilities, they built a 20,000-hectare Pingtung water crab pond. Hirata water crabs easy to operate, stocking larvae Larvae crabs in May to catch in October, the general investment cost per acre 2000 yuan, while the income up to about million, the highest mu income in 1 .5 million