A Numerical Model for Edge Waves on A Compound Slope

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuwuguigui
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An edge wave is a kind of surface gravity wave basically travelling along a shoaling beach.Based on the periodic assumption in the longshore direction,a second order ordinary differential equation is obtained for numerical simulation of the cross-shore surface elevation.Given parameters at the shoreline,a cross-shore elevation profile is obtained through integration with fourth-order Runge-Kutta technique.For a compound slope,a longshore wavenumber is obtained by following a geometrical approach and solving a transcendental equation with an asymptotic method.Numerical results on uniform and compound sloping beaches with different wave periods,slope angles,modes and turning point positions are presented.Some special scenarios,which cannot be predicted by analytical models are also discussed. An edge wave is a kind of surface gravity gravity traveling in a shoaling beach. Based on the periodic assumption in the longshore direction, a second order ordinary differential equation is obtained for numerical simulation of the cross-shore surface elevation. shoreline, a cross-shore elevation profile is obtained through integration with fourth-order Runge-Kutta technique. For a compound slope, a longshore wavenumber is obtained by following a geometrical approach and solving a transcendental equation with an asymptotic method. Numerical results on uniform and compound sloping beaches with different wave periods, slope angles, modes and turning point positions are presented.Some special scenarios, which can not be predicted by analytical models are also discussed.
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