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江总书记在庆祝建党80周年的讲话中,系统阐述了“三个代表”的科学内涵。经过学习我体会到,“三个代表”集中到一点——中国共产党必须始终保持先进性。 中国共产党的先进性靠什么来体现?一是靠党的理论、纲领、路线、方针政策,二是靠党的分子——共产党员的先进性来体现。共产党是先进的政党,就必然要求党的每一分子,在经济建设、思想道德以及社会生活的各个方面是杰出的先进代表。否则,党的先进性便是一句空话。我们每一个共产党员都应时刻问问自己:怎样保持共产党员的先进性。 共产党员的先进性应该体现在社会活动的各个方面,主要的或者说最基本的应该体现在四个方面,即:政治上的坚定性、工作中的表率性、遵纪守法的自觉性和人格修养的楷模性。其中,最最重要的是政治上的坚定性,它决定和支配着其他三个方面。共产党员保持政治上的坚定性,现阶段应主要体现在如下几个方面。 In his speech celebrating the 80th anniversary of founding of the party, General Secretary Jiang systematically expounded on the scientific connotation of “three represents.” After studying, I realized that the “Three Represents” are concentrated in one point - the Chinese Communist Party must always maintain its advanced nature. The advanced nature of the Chinese Communist Party depends on what it means: First, it depends on the party’s theory, program, line, principles and policies; on the other hand, it embodies the advanced nature of party members and party members. As an advanced political party, the Communist Party necessarily requires that every member of the Party be an outstanding advanced representative in all aspects of economic construction, ideological and moral, and social life. Otherwise, the party’s advanced nature is an empty talk. Each of us communists should always ask ourselves: how to maintain the advanced nature of party members. The advanced nature of party members should be reflected in all aspects of social activities. The main or most basic aspects should be reflected in four aspects: political firmness, exemplary work, compliance with laws and regulations and personality Training model. Of these, the most important is political perseverance, which determines and dominates the other three. Communists have maintained their political firmness. At this stage, they should be mainly reflected in the following aspects.
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