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伴随我国政治体制改革、法治社会建设的全面推进和高中政治新课程的普遍实施,高中政治课必须承担的公民意识教育功能日益凸显。我们通过挖掘教材现有知识、创设社会生活情境、直接参与社会实践等途径,充分发挥高中政治课堂教育在公民素质培养中的主渠道、主阵地作用。在对高中政治课教育学生公民意识培养重要内容和价值取向阐释的基础上,本文在这里构建了基于挖掘教材内容强化知识引领、创设探究情景注重氛围营造、拓展课堂时空践行实践育人“三位一体”的高中政治课堂教育学生公民意识培养对策。 With the political system reform in our country, the all-round promotion of the construction of a society under the rule of law and the new implementation of the new political curriculum in high school, the function of civic awareness education that senior high school politics classes have to shoulder has become increasingly prominent. We tap the current knowledge of teaching materials, create social life situations, and directly participate in social practice and other channels, give full play to the role of the main channel and the main front in the training of senior citizens’ political qualifications in the quality of citizens. On the basis of explaining the important content and value orientation of cultivating students’ awareness of political education in high school politics, this article constructs the concept of “ Trinity ”high school politics classroom education student citizen awareness training strategy.
2000年的启示:1989—2000,经济崩溃与民主的自杀=Apocalypse 2000: Economic Breakdown and the Suicide of Democracy 1989-2000(著/英).Peter Jay and Michael Stewart. L
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《蜜蜂杂誌》编辑同志: 《蜜蜂杂志》之所以在浩如烟海的刊物林里,数年畅销兴盛,在于编者捕捉到了读者的兴趣和实用感,连韩鸿涛也称赞贵刊越办越好。我的良师益友——“蜂胡
很少有哪个时代的人们象今天这样密切关注着自身的未来,当大多数人还在关心和讨论着以微电子技术为代表的第三次浪潮对人类社会所产生的影响时,已经有少数 Few people in t