坚持一体化管理 构建信息化平台 推进我市水资源管理工作再上新水平

来源 :水利天地 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YOYO654321
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近年来,我市水资源管理在市委、市政府的正确领导和省水利厅的大力支持、精心指导下,以“统筹规划、优化配置、调整结构、规范用水”为目标,以水资源一体化建设、打造信息平台、强化执法和服务为重点,着力推进管水模式、用水方式的转变和创新,水务一体化管理得到巩固提高,城市水资源实时监控与管理系统初具规模,水资源整体管理水平得到 In recent years, the city’s water resources management in the municipal government’s correct leadership and the provincial Water Resources Department’s strong support, under the guidance of the “unified planning, optimal allocation of structure, regulate water ” as the goal, with water resources Integration of construction, building information platform, strengthening law enforcement and services as the focus, efforts to promote water management model, water changes and innovation, integrated water management has been consolidated and improved, real-time urban water resources monitoring and management system has begun to take shape, water resources The overall management level is obtained
糖尿病 (DM )发病率在我国已日渐增多 ,累及的肾脏病变(糖尿病肾病 ,DN)所致肾功能衰竭 (肾衰 )已成为慢性肾衰主要病因之一[1] 。为了早期发现糖尿病患者肾脏病变 ,控制糖尿
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate possible relationships between placental markers and endothelial dysfunction in preeclampsia and intrauteri
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