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空调系统是地铁车辆的重要组成部分,承担着为地铁车辆提供良好车内温湿环境的作用,是满足车内乘客舒适性要求的主要设备。由于地铁车辆空调系统能耗占总运行能耗的30%以上,因此有必要对空调系统节能方案进行研究,以减少其能耗。基于北京地铁某线路车辆的空调系统,对空调系统热负荷组成及影响进行分析,并计算了该空调系统的制冷量,通过与常规空调机组的比较、试验的验证以及数值的估算,得出了新型定频空调系统的节能率。分析结果表明:对定频空调机组进行节能设计可以大大提高节能率。 Air conditioning system is an important part of subway vehicles, bear the subway vehicle to provide a good environment for the role of temperature and humidity, is to meet the passenger comfort requirements of the vehicle main equipment. Because the energy consumption of the air-conditioning system of the subway vehicle accounts for more than 30% of the total operation energy consumption, it is necessary to study the energy-saving scheme of the air-conditioning system in order to reduce its energy consumption. Based on the air-conditioning system of a line of vehicles in Beijing metro, this paper analyzes the composition and the impact of the heat load on the air-conditioning system and calculates the cooling capacity of the air-conditioning system. Comparing with the conventional air conditioning unit, the verification of the test and the numerical estimation, New fixed frequency air conditioning system energy saving rate. The analysis results show that the energy saving design can greatly improve the energy saving design of fixed frequency AC units.
1 范围本标准规定了东风螺(Babylonia)繁殖与苗种培育的环境条件、育苗设施、幼体孵化、幼虫培育、采苗技术和贝苗培育等。本标准适用于方斑东风螺(Babylonia areolata)和台
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