这些年美术界人在变,画在变, 观念也在变。但朋友们、同行们吃饭 聚会时议论人、骂人、品头论足的老 习惯没变。比如:张三的画不错但人 品太次,李四的人不错可画得太俗, 谁又升官了,谁又炒作了……反正是 酒后吐真言,话粗理不粗,比参加王 五木头六的艺术研讨会上,说的套话、 客气话,听来更真实、更过瘾。郝邦 义这个名字,最初我就是在这种场合 听到的,提到他时,每个大小圈儿里 的人,对他的画和人反映都不错,挺 统一,实在难得。虽说见过他几次, 但不怎么熟。直到有一天他送了我一 本画集,才吓了一跳,吃了一惊。不 敢相信这些作品是出自他的手,正应 了那句老话:真人不露相。对郝邦义 这个人着实地要刮目相看了。 平日里经常有人送我画集,有些
All these years the art world is changing, drawing is changing, the concept is changing. But friends, colleagues eat dinner party discussion, curse, old-fashioned habits have not changed. For example: Zhang San’s painting is good, but the character is too small, Li Si good people can be painted too vulgar, who has been promoted, who has hype ... ... anyway, is a drunken spit mantra, then rough is not coarse, than to participate Wang Wu wood six art seminar, said the sets of words, polite words, sounds more real, more enjoyable. The name of Hao Bangyi was first heard on such occasions. When it comes to him, everyone in every circle has a good view of his paintings and people. It is very rare indeed. Although seen him several times, but not very familiar. He was taken aback by the time he sent me a picture album and was taken aback. Can not believe that these works are from his hand, should be the old saying goes: real people do not show up. To this man hao bang yi really be admired. People often send me pictures on weekdays, some of them