The principle of marginalization has been the core of the European Commission of Human Rights and the Human Rights Court since the case of Greece v. England in the 1950s. British scholar Letsas divides the marginal discretion into two categories: structural marginal discretion and substantive marginal discretion. This article will re-examine the theory of Letsas on the basis of the principle of subsidiarity, and supplement Letsas with Greer’s theory. The Court of Human Rights will have procedural judicial review of any case. When a human rights court agrees with the outcome of a court decision in a State party, it will make a general endorsement of the decision by the State party. When the human rights court is unable to reach definitive conclusions, the human rights court will confirm its own judicial limitations and give the contracting parties ample room for marginal discretion. The principle of subsidiarity also means that human rights courts have an obligation to remedy the insufficiency of human rights guarantees in the State party and to monitor the effects of the implementation of human rights conventions by the State party.