苏、锡、常三市位于太湖之滨,农村经济发达。近些年来,由于乡、村企业蓬勃发展,劳动力投入减少。如何发挥本地区的经济、技术优势使之符合农村实际现代化生产手段,促进农业生产持续稳定发展,为传统农业向现代农业转化创造良好机制,已为人们普遍关注和努力探索的问题。三麦生产上应用少免耕机条播就是一个典型事例。这一工作到目前为止,大体经历了两个时期: (一)1976~1983年试验示范时期:1976年,无锡市郊区的农技与农机人员研制出全省第一台2BM-6型稻茬少免耕麦条播机。此后,各级农业部门在全
Su, tin, often three city is located in Taihu Lake, rural economy developed. In recent years, due to the vigorous development of township and village enterprises, labor input has been reduced. How to give play to the economic and technological advantages of the region to bring it into line with the actual agricultural modernization measures to promote the sustained and steady development of agricultural production and to create a sound mechanism for transforming traditional agriculture into modern agriculture has been a topic of widespread concern and hard exploration. Three wheat production on the application of less tillage machine sowing is a typical example. So far, this work has generally gone through two periods: (1) Experimental and demonstration period from 1976 to 1983: In 1976, the agricultural and agricultural mechanics in the suburbs of Wuxi City developed the first 2BM-6 rice stubble Tillage less tillage machine. Since then, the agricultural sector at all levels in the whole