Three-dimensional reconstruction of human spinal cord based on histological serial sections

来源 :中国神经再生研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YenLoveRicky
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BACKGROUND:It is not possible to reconstruct the inner structure of the spinal cord.such as gray matter and spinal tracts,from the Visual Human Project database or CT and MRI databases,due to low image resolution and contrast in macrosection images.OBJECTIVE:To explore a semi-automatic computerized three-dimensional(3D)reconstruction of human spinal cord based on histological serial sections,in order to solve issues such as low contrast.DESIGN,TIME AND SETTING:An experimental study combining serial section techniques and 3D reconstruction,performed in the laboratory of Hunlan Anatomy and Histoembryology at the Medical School of Nantong University during January to April 2008.SETTING:Department of Anatomy,Institute of Neurobiology,Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Neural Regeneration,Laboratory of Image Engineering.MATERIALS:A human lumbar spinal cord segment from fresh autopsy material of an adult male.M[ETHODS:After 4% paraformaldehyde fixation for three days,serial sections of the lumbar spinal cord were cut on a Leica cryostat and mounted on slides in sequence,with eight sections aligned separately on each slide.All sections were stained with Luxol Fast Blue to reveal myelin sheaths.After gradient dehydration and clearing,the stained slides were coverslipped.Sections were observed and images recorded under a light microscope using a digital camera.Six images were acquired at ×25 magnification and automatically stitched into a complete section image.Aftel-all serial images were obtained,96 complete serial images of the human lumbar cord segment were automatically processed with "Curves","Autocontrast","Gray scale 8 bit","Invert","Image resize to 50%"steps using Photoshop 7.0 software.All images were added in order into 3D-DOCTOR 4.0 software as a stack where serial images were automatically realigned with neighbonng images and semi-automatically segmented for white matter and gray matter.Finally,simple surface and volume reconstruction were completed on a personal computer.The reconstructed human lumbar spinal cord segment was interactively observed,cut.and measured.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:The reconstructed human lumbar spinal cord segment.RESULTS:Compared with serial images obtained from other image modalities,such as CT,MRI,and macrosections from The Visual Human Project database.the Luxol Fast Blue stained histological serial section images exhibited higher resolution and contrast between gray and white matter.Image processing and 3D reconstruction steps were semi-automatically performed with related software.The 3D reconstructed human lumbar cord segment were observed,cut,and measured on a PC.CONCLUSION:A semi-automatically computerized method,based on histological serial sections,is an effective way to 3D-reconstruct the human spinal cord.
目的 探讨过敏原检测方法 在变态反应性疾病中临床应用价值.方法采用德国百康BICOM生物共振治疗仪对1 356例变态反应性疾病过敏原检测,其中386例同时采用北京协和医院配制40种过敏原浸液进行皮内试验对照,对比两种检测方法相关性.结果 过敏原阳性检出率生物共振治疗仪检测是88.57%,皮内试验检测是87.75%.比较两种方法前六种物质过敏原阳性检出率,二者差异无统计学意义.结论生物共振检测治疗仪
目的 探讨腹水超滤回输腹腔治疗在尿毒症合并肝硬化腹水患者中的应用.方法 尿毒症合并难治性腹水患者,在基础透析治疗的前提下,随机分为两组,治疗组对患者同时进行腹水超滤回输腹腔治疗,对照组采用单纯放腹水治疗,必要时静脉输入白蛋白或血浆.结果 治疗组临床症状、生化指标等均优于对照组.结论 此种方法 能使腹水中蛋白成分回输入血,水分脱失,提高患者血中胶体渗透压,减轻腹水,对尿毒症合并肝硬化顽同性腹水患者有
目的 分析视力损害患者的心理状态以及相关因素,为临床上做好这些患者的心理问题 提供依据.方法 采用一般情况调查表、症状自评量表、应付方式问卷对视力损害患者进行心理评
目的 探讨立体定向穿刺分流术治疗脑室蛛网膜囊肿的临床效果.方法 将我院住院手术治疗的5例病人进行随访和效果分析.结果 随访半年~2年,3例病人近期临床头痛症状消失,1例癫症
目的 探讨胫骨Pilon骨折的手术方法,最佳手术时机及其手术效果.方法 24例胫骨Pilon骨折患者采取.胫骨远端骨折固定方法,16例行解剖型或三叶革形钢板内固定,8例行有限内固定结合T型单侧外固定架外固定.结果 24例患者,优8例,良10例,可5例,差1例,优良率75.0%.随访6~36个月,24例骨科全部骨性愈合.结论 手术时机的正确选择,根据骨折类型和软组织条件,灵活选择固定方式是防治术后并
目的 分析12例硬脊膜外恶性淋巴瘤的磁共振成像(MRI)表现特点,进一步提高对本病的认识.方法 回顾性分析经临床及病理学证实的12例硬脊膜外恶性淋巴瘤的MRI的病理资料.结果 本组12例患者13个病灶MRI表现为椎管内硬脊膜外长条形或梭形异常信号,边缘锐利,均有占位效应.T<,1>WI等于或稍低于肌肉信号,T<,2>WI高于肌肉信号,信号均匀无分隔.8例行增强扫描,病变呈均匀一致的中等强化.结论
在企业信息系统中运行着各种不同的设备,他们各自成为体系,把运行在企业信息系统中所有的设备进行统一管理已经变得十分困难.由DMTF(Distributed Management Task Force,Inc.
目的 探讨先天性心脏病隔辩下室间隔缺损修补术的方法.方法 回顾性总结分析我院自2003年1月至2007年6月期间收治的32例隔瓣下室间隔缺损患者,采用平行于隔瓣环的弧形瓣叶切开,暴露室间隔缺损,裁取适宜大小的椭圆形涤纶片,首先连续缝合缺损的肌肉边缘,再转移到隔瓣根部,用切开的隔辩边缘夹住涤纶片的后缘,如同.三明治"状,连续缝合隔瓣瓣叶切开处,术野显露清晰,修补确实,手术效果良好.结果 全组32例病