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工业生产中,工人常可因吸入高浓度的化学有害毒素而发生急性中毒。近年来,因职业中毒而死亡的人数有逐年增多的趋势。常见的化学毒物有:窒息性气体硫化氢(H_2S)、一氧化碳(CO)、砷化氢(AsH_3)等。其中因 H_2S 和 CO 中毒引起死亡的病例分别占全部急性中毒死亡病例的37.5%和26.6%,被称为职业中毒的第一、二号杀手。因此,很有必要认清其毒性,加强防护措施以防中毒。H_2S 为无色,带有臭鸡蛋味的气体。在合成橡胶、人造纤维、硫化染料、制糖、造纸、制革以及下水道、坑下等岗位或行业工作的工人皆能接触到。H_2S 主要通过呼吸道侵入人体,高浓度 H_2S 进入体内可引起中枢 In industrial production, workers can often be acutely poisoned by inhalation of high levels of toxic chemical toxins. In recent years, the number of deaths due to occupational poisoning has been increasing year by year. Common chemical toxicants are: asphyxiating gas hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), carbon monoxide (CO), arsine (AsH 3) and so on. Among them, the deaths due to H 2 S and CO poisoning accounted for 37.5% and 26.6% of all the acute poisoning deaths, respectively, and were referred to as No. 1 and No. 2 killers of occupational poisoning. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize its toxicity and strengthen protective measures to prevent poisoning. H 2 S is a colorless gas with rotten egg flavor. Workers in jobs such as synthetic rubber, man-made fibers, sulfur dyes, sugar, paper, tannery and sewer, pit and other industries can be reached. H_2S mainly invades the human body through the respiratory tract, high concentrations of H_2S into the body can cause the central
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蔡医生: 我是在畜牧场工作的工人,主要是饲养兔子。近年来,我常患过敏性皮炎或湿疹等皮肤病。这是否与我的职业有关? 何胜天 Dr Choi: I am a worker working in a livesto
Aiming at the lack of effective quantitative model to support the analysis of terrorist attacks, a mul-tilayer depth Neural network (NN) Graph convolutional net
所有受试妇女均为停经56天之内经 B 超检查证实为妊娠且要求终止者,共150例。受试者第1天口服米非司酮200mg 后让其回家,36~48小时之后随机分为两组。A 组为单次给予米索前列