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一、健康住宅日益受到关注SARS 之后,国人对健康生活方式的关注程度提升到前所未有的新高,人们比以前更加追求有益身心健康的生活环境。很多城市人对郊区和远离城市的活动热情倍增,每逢节假日,郊区绿化环境好一点的地方都车满为患。好象广州的白云山,每天来郊游的人都是络绎不绝,而且晚上仍然可以看到结伴同游的行山者身影。同样,SARS 之后,消费者对低密度的住宅区、郊区别墅的高环境质量、低人口密度等优势一下子重视起来,那些具备消费能力的人群相当一部分则会寻求一种高绿化、低密度的居住环境与市区工作能够较好结合的生活方式。地处广州市郊的绿茵岛花园,贴近贯穿广州南北交通的地铁三号线厦滘站出口,自去年下半年以来销量比以前有明显增长,每月平均成交20幢别墅,象绿茵岛花园这种市郊别墅区的热销现象反映了现在的消费者更深刻地了解生活环境与住宅质量的内涵。而绿茵岛花园之所以成为健康住宅,皆因它在凡涉及居住者生活的各个方面都用心打造、细心经营。 First, the growing concern of healthy houses SARS, people’s attention to a healthy lifestyle increased to an unprecedented high, people are more pursuit of healthy living environment than before. Many city people are enthusiastic about suburban and away from the city activities, every holiday, suburbs of the green environment better place full of trouble. Baiyun Mountain in Guangzhou seems to be an endless stream of people come and go, but at night you can still see the traveling companions with the shadow figure. Similarly, after SARS, consumers immediately take advantage of the low-density residential areas, suburban villas with high environmental quality and low population density, while a considerable proportion of those with spending power will seek a high-green, low-density Living environment and urban work can be a better combination of lifestyle. Located in the outskirts of Guangzhou, Green Island Garden, close to Guangzhou North-South traffic through the Subway Line Xiamen Station exit, since the second half of last year sales have increased significantly than before, the average monthly turnover of 20 villas, such as the Green Island Garden this Suburban villas hot phenomenon reflects the current consumer more deeply understand the meaning of living environment and residential quality. The reason why Green Island Garden is a healthy home is that it is carefully constructed in every aspect of the life of the residents.
目的 了解生殖健康服务企业专业人才需求、主要工作岗位和职业能力等情况,为教学标准制订、专业人才培养和相关政策制定提供科学依据.方法 采取分层、随机抽样方法 进行问卷
1月5日,德州仪器(TI)宣布在全球范围内面向TI手机制造商客户提供首批Hollywood DTV单芯片解决方案,该产品使全球数百万消费者能够透过手机直接收看数字电视广播,同时又维持了