Consider a distribution system consisting of one supplier and multiple retailers. This paper studies the optimal replenishment and distribution strategy of the system under the different information transparency modes of high, medium and low as well as the expected costs of the corresponding system and each retailer. Prove that both from the perspective of the system and from the retailer’s point of view, not the higher the transparency of information, the lower the expected cost. From the perspective of the whole system, although the expected cost of the system is always the lowest in the high information transparency mode, the cost of the low and medium information transparency model who achieve the second lowest system expectation depends on the cost of each node in the system Distance and the nature of the needs of the retailer facing the customer. From a retailer’s perspective, high information transparency does not reduce the retailer’s expected cost. Whether a retailer can benefit from a high level of information transparency depends on the retailer’s location on the delivery route, the distance between nodes in the system, and the nature of the retailer’s customer needs.