Take the Red Book as an example: Explore the Advanges of Self-media Marketing Through the Transition

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  【Abstract】In the past few decades, the development of the Internet has not only had a huge impact on marketing strategies, but also changed consumer behavior. Self-media marketing is a new marketing strategy that emerges with the Internet. Compared with traditional marketing that relies on advertising to attract customers’ attention, self-media marketing is more focused on finding customers’ interests. Based on three well-known marketing models, we will illustrate the advantages of self-media marketing strategies below.
  【Key words】the Red Book; Self-media Marketing; AIDMA Model; AISAS Model


  “On the little red book, find the life you want”, the birth of this new propaganda slogan indicates that little red book further formed its complete marketing system in 2019, conforming to the ISMAS model. The little red book uses the UGC1 (User Generated Content) shopping sharing platform. Users share information with other users by sharing original content. The user is both the content viewer and the content creator. As of January 2019, the number of little red book users exceeded 200 million, and the majority of female users of little red book accounted for the content and direction of their community. The data showed that 42.0% of Chinese consumers surveyed preferred to buy makeup products. The reason why little red book is liked by so many women, and the volume is very high is that the user notes share different shopping experiences. This mode makes the consumer experience more. The consumer experience is the most important for the ISMAS model.
  Under AIDMA, AISAS mode, many companies’ marketers do not think about problems, analyze problems and solve problems from the customer’s point of view, but subjectively from their own business perspective, forcibly launch their own products. The effect is far less than customer-centric, which making it easier for customers to take the initiative to accept their products. In the ISMAS mode, little red book made up for this shortcoming. And the little red book notes can be searched by keywords, each content has keywords, so that consumers have a very high user experience. The uniqueness of little red book lies in word-of-mouth marketing. There is no way to increase the conversion rate more than real-user word-of-mouth, just as users will definitely go to see user comments before buying things on Taobao. And little red book has a community where real users share word-of-mouth. The whole community is a huge library of user-friends. In addition, users’ browsing, likes, and collections generate a lot of underlying data. Through these data, little red book can accurately analyze the needs of users and ensure that the purchased products are highly praised by users. At the same time, many stars in the little red book platform publish videos and texts to promote products they feel good. They have a broad fan base and far-reaching influence, so the products are sold faster and wider.   The transformation from AIDMA model to AISAS model and ISMAS model is a media-centric to consumer-centric transformation, and it is also a change in consumers’ passive acceptance of information to active acceptance of information. The gradual optimization of the self-media marketing to form a more complete marketing model not only helps consumers to get a better product experience, but also helps marketers to better promote products. However, since the self-media marketing as a marketing method, there is the possibility of disseminating false information in essence. Therefore, in the future, we must gradually optimize this shortcoming to develop self-media.


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【摘要】写作教学是英语教学的一项基本教学内容,既是对学生英语素质的一个整合体现,同时也是对于学生语言表达能力和语言组织能力的一个考验。本文针对如何提高初中学生英语写作能力的教学策略进行探讨。  【关键词】初中英语;写作教学;能力;提升  【作者简介】周淑贤,甘肃省通渭县襄南学校。  英语写作是四项基本语言技能之一,是培养和提高语言能力的有效手段,它有助于巩固和掌握所学词汇、语法等语言知识,有助于训
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