
来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alanhoo
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国庆前夕,云南省泸水县训练基地开工仪式典礼上响起机械轰鸣声。县人武部政委董云峰动情地拉着县长普记颜的手说:“你给我们送了一份国庆厚礼,我们终于有了自己的营区!”泸水县是国家级特困县,受经济条件限制,人武部长期租借地方民房办公、居住。正规化建设面临重重困难。今年5月,当过兵的普记颜一上任就主持召开全县武装工作会议。认真调研全县武装工作。他提议要出资解决县人武部训练战备难题。但也有人感到落实经费很困难:“县里这 On the eve of the National Day, a roar of machinery was sounded at the launching ceremony of the Lushui County training base in Yunnan Province. County People’s Armed Forces Political Commissar Dong Yunfeng emotionally pulled the hands of the county general clerk Yan said: ”You sent us a National Day gift, and we finally have their own camp! “ Lushui County is a state-level destitute county, by Limitation of economic conditions, the Ministry of People’s Arbitration leased long-term residential office, living. Formalization faces numerous difficulties. In May this year, when a soldier’s generalist Yen took office, he presided over the county armed work conference. Seriously investigate the county armed work. He proposed that he should invest to solve the training war preparations for the armed forces of the county people’s army. However, some people feel that the implementation of the funds is very difficult: ”This county
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近日,副省长张平在省教育厅、省招生考试管理中心相关负责人陪同下,前往高考评卷点,看望慰问评卷老师,并给他们送去了慰问品。 Recently, Zhang Ping, the deputy governor,
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