Carbon carry capacity and carbon sequestration potential in China based on an integrated analysis of

来源 :Science China(Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sisisi22
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Forests play an important role in acting as a carbon sink of terrestrial ecosystem.Although global forests have huge carbon carrying capacity(CCC)and carbon sequestration potential(CSP),there were few quantification reports on Chinese forests.We collected and compiled a forest biomass dataset of China,a total of 5841 sites,based on forest inventory and literature search results.From the dataset we extracted 338 sites with forests aged over 80 years,a threshold for defining mature forest,to establish the mature forest biomass dataset.After analyzing the spatial pattern of the carbon density of Chinese mature forests and its controlling factors,we used carbon density of mature forests as the reference level,and conservatively estimated the CCC of the forests in China by interpolation methods of Regression Kriging,Inverse Distance Weighted and Partial Thin Plate Smoothing Spline.Combining with the sixth National Forest Resources Inventory,we also estimated the forest CSP.The results revealed positive relationships between carbon density of mature forests and temperature,precipitation and stand age,and the horizontal and elevational patterns of carbon density of mature forests can be well predicted by temperature and precipitation.The total CCC and CSP of the existing forests are 19.87 and 13.86 Pg C,respectively.Subtropical forests would have more CCC and CSP than other biomes.Consequently,relying on forests to uptake carbon by decreasing disturbance on forests would be an alternative approach for mitigating greenhouse gas concentration effects besides afforestation and reforestation. Forests play an important role in acting as a carbon sink of terrestrial ecosystem. Despite global forests have huge carbon carrying capacity (CCC) and carbon sequestration potential (CSP), there were few quantification reports on Chinese forests.We were collected and compiled a forest biomass dataset of China, a total of 5841 sites, based on forest inventory and literature search results. From the dataset we extracted 338 sites with forests aged over 80 years, a threshold for defining mature forest, establish the mature forest biomass dataset. After the analysis the spatial pattern of the carbon density of Chinese mature forests and its controlling factors, we used carbon density of mature forests as the reference level, and conservatively estimated the CCC of the forests in China by interpolation methods of Regression Kriging, Inverse Distance Weighted and Partial Thin Plate Smoothing Spline. Combining with the sixth National Forest Inventory, we also estimated the forest CSP. The results revea led positive relationships between carbon density of mature forests and temperature, precipitation and stand age, and the horizontal and elevational patterns of carbon density of mature forests can be well predicted by temperature and precipitation. total CCC and CSP of the existing forests are 19.87 and 13.86 Pg C, respectively. Subtropical forests would have more CCC and CSP than other bioconstrains, and relying on forests to uptake carbon by reducing disturbance on forests would be an alternative approach for mitigating greenhouse gas concentration effects besides afforestation and reforestation.
五年前的高雅萍是云南勐腊农场三分场十一队的转 岗女工,现在却是在县城经营有饲料门市、城边养有大量鸡和猪出售的私营企业主。她依靠自己的努力奋斗,每年收入10多万元,成
分化型甲状腺癌有乳头状 (PTC)和滤泡型 (FTC)甲状腺癌之分 ,病程平静 ,PTC和FTC的 1 0年生存率分别为 90 %~ 95 %和 70 %~ 95 %,年龄、性别、组织学和分化、肿瘤大小、DNA倍性