Assessing Soil Erosion Rates on Manually-Tilled Hillslopes in the Sichuan Hilly Basin Using ~(137)Cs

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Purple soils are widely distributed in the Sichuan Hilly Basin and are highly susceptible to erosion, especially on the cultivated slopes. Quantitative assessment of the erosion rates is, however, difficult due to small size of the plots of the manually-tilled land, the complex land use, and steep hillslopes. 137Cs and 210Pbex (excess 210Pb) tracing techniques were used to investigate the spatial pattern of soil erosion rates associated with slope-land under hoe tillage in Neijiang of the Sichuan Hilly Basin. The 137Cs and 210Pbex inventories at the top of the cultivated slope were extremely low, and the highest inventories were found at the bottom of the cultivated slope. By combining the erosion rates estimates provided by both 137Cs and 210Pbex measurements, the weighted mean net soil loss from the study slope was estimated to be 3100 t km-2 year“1, which was significantly less than 6930 t km-2 year-1 reported for runoff plots on a 10°cultivated slope at the Suining Station of Soil Erosion. The spatial pattern of soil erosion rates on the steep agricultural land showed that hoe tillage played an important role in soil redistribution along the slope. Also, traditional farming practices had a significant role in reducing soil loss, leading to a lower net erosion rate for the field. Purple soils are widely distributed in the Sichuan Hilly Basin and are highly susceptible to erosion, especially on the cultivated slopes. Quantitative assessment of the cultivated slopes. However, due due to small size of the plots of the manually-tilled land, the complex land use, and steep hillslopes. 137Cs and 210Pbex (excess 210Pb) tracing techniques were used to investigate the spatial pattern of soil erosion rates associated with slope-land under hoe tillage in Neijiang of the Sichuan Hilly Basin. The 137Cs and 210Pbex inventories at the top of the cultivated slopes were extremely low, and the highest inventories were found at the bottom of the cultivated slope. By combining the erosion rates assessments provided by both 137Cs and 210Pbex measurements, the weighted mean net soil loss from the study slope was estimated to be 3100 t km-2 year ”1, which was significantly less than 6930 t km-2 year-1 reported for runoff plots on a 10 ° cultivated slope at the Suining Station of Soi l Erosion. The spatial pattern of soil erosion rates on the steep agricultural land showed that hoe tillage played an important role in soil redistribution along the slope. rate for the field.
随着人口老龄化的加快.老年人再婚已成为一种比较普遍的现象。由于具有年龄较大、生理功能减退、生活经历丰富、性格特点难以改变、亲友圈子稳定等特点.再婚的老年人不会像年轻人那样进行婚前体检,这也给他们的婚姻生活带来了一定的隐患。  案例:现年68岁的游某与73岁的贺某在2003年12月27日结婚,雖然双方均系再婚,但再次结婚却郑重地选在游某生日当天,足见双方对重组家庭的重视与珍惜。两人是通过媒体征婚广告
著名的教育家陶行知先生说过这样一句话:生活、工作、学习倘使都能自动,则教育之收效定能事半功倍。所以我们特别注意自动力的培养,使它关注于全部的生活工作学习之中。自动是自觉的行动,而不是自发的行动。自觉的行动,需要适当地培养而后方可以实现。对于刚进幼儿园的小朋友,老师要积极地思考怎样引导他们改掉身上许多不良的行为习惯,关注他们自动力的培养,使他们养成良好的生活和学习习惯。    一、生活习惯的自动力培
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问:  张某转业后,决定自谋职业,因自有资金不够,他从吴某等战友手中借了共90万元,建了一个加油站。因为建站的地方偏僻,开了不到半年就关门了。关门后张某不积极偿还债务,被战友告上了法庭。诉讼中张某竟然和其妻协议离婚,把住房和加油站都归妻子后隐匿,再不露面。吴某等张某的几位战友,官司是打赢了,可执行不了。请问:他们可否要求追加张某的妻子为被执行人?  答:  回答是肯定。这在《婚姻法》特别是在《最高