
来源 :中国地方志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiwen2100000
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影响地方志记述内容客观性的因素包括环境因素和主体因素。环境因素主要包括工作进度因素、制度因素和工作条件因素等。工作进度因素是指影响编纂地方志的政治环境;制度因素是指地方志编纂过程中涉及的各种工作制度对收集资料、编纂志稿、审查验收的影响;工作条件因素涉及面较为广泛,如机构成立和变更情况、行政区域变更频繁、档案资料保存现状、工作经费和保障条件等。主体因素有编纂者的指导理念、名利观、个人偏好、知识结构、工作态度和能力等。应针对不同因素采取相应的举措,以尽可能减少这些因素对志书客观性的不利影响,提高志书的质量。最后指出增强地方志记述内容客观性和准确性的对策:第一,严格遵循地方志实事求是、存真求实的指导思想;第二,政府分管地方志工作的负责人要提高质量意识;第三,提高地方志队伍的素质;第四,严格把好志稿的评议和审查验收关;第五,慎重决定志书的记述时限和完成时间;第六,积极协调,加强制度建设和制度沟通。 The factors influencing the objectivity of local chronicles include the environmental factors and the main factors. Environmental factors include work progress factors, system factors and working conditions and other factors. The work progress factor refers to the political environment that influences the compilation of local records. The system factor refers to the influence of various work systems involved in the process of compilation of local chronicles on data collection, compilation and review of manuscripts and examination and acceptance. The conditions of work are more extensive, And changes, frequent changes in the administrative region, the current status of archives preservation, working expenses and security conditions. The main factors are the compilers of the guiding ideology, fame and fortune, personal preferences, knowledge structure, work attitude and ability. Corresponding measures should be taken according to different factors so as to minimize the adverse impact of these factors on the objectivity of the book and improve the quality of the book. Finally, it points out the countermeasures to enhance the objectivity and accuracy of local chronicles: first, strictly follow the guiding ideology of seeking truth from facts and seeking truth from facts in real life; secondly, leaders in charge of local chronicles in charge of government should raise their awareness of quality; thirdly, The quality of the book; fourth, strictly review and review the good Zhizhi; fifth, carefully determine the time limit and completion time of the book; sixth, actively coordinate and strengthen the system construction and system communication.