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创新,就是勇于走前人没有走过的路,敢于探索,不断进取,发展企业。这是联合灯泡厂厂长徐惠兴经过多年的实践得出的深切体验。联合灯泡厂自1970年创办以来,企业生产发展较快,已从初办时的795名职工,152万元固定资产、4条半老式的装配线、年产1007万只灯泡,发展到现今拥有2345名职工、2054万元固定资产和拥有现代新技术和先进水平的专用机械制造设备、年生产8000多万只灯泡的专业灯泡制造厂,无论企业的产品质量、产量,还是经济效益、上缴国家税金,均名列全国同行业之首。1989年,联合灯泡厂又被轻工业部批准为国家二级企业。期间,所走过的历程,所取得的成绩,无一不是探索创新的结果,又无一不是徐惠兴集全厂干部职工智慧的结晶。 Innovation is the courage to take the road that no one has before, dare to explore, keep making progress, and develop enterprises. This is the experience of Xu Huixing, the director of the joint bulb factory after years of practice. Since the joint bulb factory was founded in 1970, the company’s production has developed rapidly. It has grown from 795 employees at the beginning of the year, fixed assets of 1.52 million yuan, four and a half old-fashioned assembly lines, and annual output of 10.07 million light bulbs. Now it has 2345. Employees, 20.54 million yuan in fixed assets, and professional light bulb manufacturing plants with modern new technology and advanced level of professional machinery manufacturing and annual production of more than 80 million light bulbs, regardless of the company’s product quality, output, or economic efficiency, turned over to the national tax , are ranked first in the country with the industry. In 1989, the joint light bulb factory was approved by the Ministry of Light Industry as a second-tier enterprise. During the period, the history of the walks and the achievements made were all the result of exploration and innovation. None of them was the result of the wisdom of Xu Huixing in gathering the cadres and workers of the entire factory.
随着基本建设管理体制改革的深化,设计院内部实行了企业化管理,上级机关停拨事业费,设计院计划管理工作面对着由生产 With the deepening of the reform of the capital co
每天上班,我都会遇到她。她二十多岁,胖胖的,比著名演员肥肥差不到哪儿,矮矮的,让人一下子就能联想到潘长江,或者《白雪公主》中的小矮人。  她就在我们单位楼前的地下商城上班,做清洁工。她每天的工作就是拖地,来来回回地拖,一遍一遍地拖。累了,就拄着拖把在过道里站一会儿,或者,在卫生间的水台上坐一会儿。  午饭,她常常到我们单位的食堂去吃,一般是两个小菜、一个馒头,吃得很香。有时,她也會从家里带饭,放到
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