
来源 :财政研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:truby
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公共财政的历史使命,在于它支持、促进着市场经济体制的形成和发展。有市场经济体制,必有公共财政,也就是说,市场经济体制下不可能实行别的什么特性的财政制度。回顾市场经济体制演进的漫长历史,可以看出,在它旁边总是若隐若现地伴随着公共财政的影子。二者相互制约,相互促进,交替推动,共同前进,是一种紧紧捆在一起的双边互动的关系。概括地说,欧洲中世纪后期,是市场经济体制和公共财政的萌芽阶段,欧洲工业革命前后,是市场经济体制和公共财政的形成阶段,而20世纪30年代的西方经济危机时期,则是市场经济体制和公共财政的发展完善阶段。 The historic mission of public finance lies in its support and promotion of the formation and development of a market economy. In a market economy, there must be public finance, that is, a fiscal system that can not be practiced in any other market economy. Looking back at the long history of the evolution of the market economy, we can see that there is always a shadow of public finance alongside it. The mutual restraint, mutual promotion, alternating promotion, and common progress are the two types of mutually-bound bilateral relations that are tightly bound together. In a nutshell, the late Middle Ages of Europe was the embryonic stage of the market economy system and public finance. Before and after the European Industrial Revolution, it was the formation stage of the market economy system and the public finance. In the Western economic crisis of the 1930s, it was the market economic system And improve the public finance stage of development.
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本刊讯 今年5月1日是全国人大反复修订重新颁布的新的《中华人民共和国税收征管法》实施之日,在5、6、7三个月内,全省国税系统掀起了学习、宣传、贯彻《征管法》的热潮,省局决
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It may have seemed like an army of superheroes, monsters, space aliens, and wizards had invaded New York City over the weekend. But it was really just an exciting gathering in town for New York Comic
一、财政幻觉假说的发展历史财政幻觉(Fiscal Illusion)假说是用以解释政府规模增长的公共选择理论之一,它认为由于财政收支过程的混沌性产生的对税收负担的错觉,投票者-纳
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